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Frequently Asked Questions on Allergies

Locally Owned Practice
Compassionate Care
Multi-Lingual Doctor

Get Answers to Your Questions About Allergies

At Ringwala Allergy & Asthma, we've been asked a variety of questions about our allergy treatments over the years. See below for answers to the ones we've most frequently heard. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Ringwala, give us a call at 262-657-9390. We have three conveniently located offices in Kenosha, Oshkosh, and Franklin, WI.
1. What is an allergy?
The word allergy is derived from the Greek word allegros, which means an unusual or altered reaction. About 15-20 percent of the United States population develops this unusual reaction to pollen, molds, house dust, animal dander, and chemicals. This happens because of a biological tendency of the immune (defense) system of the body to overreact to these otherwise harmless substances.

The body is "overreacting" in an attempt to expel (through runny nose, watery eyes, or sneezing) substances that it perceives as harmful. This tendency frequently runs in the family.
2. How are allergies treated?
Because allergies are determined by your genes, there is no complete cure for allergies, but they are controllable with modern treatments. There is no need to suffer from allergy symptoms. There are three modes of treatment for allergy:
  1. Avoidance of allergy-causing agents (e.g., pet dander)
    This is a very important part of controlling allergies.
  2. Medications
    Very effective medications, with relatively minor side effects, are available to control allergies.
  3. Immunotherapy
    1. Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (allergy shots): Allergy injections are given just under the skin (subcutaneous).

      Allergy shots are given only when complete avoidance is not possible (e.g., pollen, molds, house dust, animal dander, and insect venom) and medications do not completely control the symptoms. Allergy shots treat the cause of the disease by modifying the body's response at the molecular level to resemble a non-allergic state. Medications generally control the body's response (and therefore symptoms) but do not prevent the response, and therefore are not a substitute for injections. Medications and injections are complementary to each other.

      Subcutaneous immunotherapy is a well-tried, standard treatment, used for well over a hundred years, and virtually all insurances pay for it.

    2. Sublingual Immunotherapy (no shots): Under-the-tongue drops or tablets are available for some, but not all, causes of allergies as an alternative to allergy shots. Sublingual immunotherapy is a relatively new form of treatment. Ask our doctor for details.
To get the maximum relief from symptoms, patients often need more than one type of treatment. A single mode of treatment is likely to lead to incomplete relief.
3. Why have allergy shots when very effective medications are available?
Allergy shots have the following major advantages over medication:  
  • Shots restore the defense system of the body at the molecular level to resemble people without allergies.
  • Shots prevent the development of new allergies.
  • Shots prevent the development of asthma in persons with allergic rhinitis (hay fever).
  • The benefit of shots lasts even after they are discontinued.
Medications do not have any of the above benefits. Medications help you as long as you keep taking them regularly (usually each day), but the benefits from medications stop when you stop taking them. Because allergies are a chronic (i.e. long-lasting) problem, most patients have to take medications for a long time.

It is very important to be aware of these differences between medications and allergy shots before making decisions regarding your treatment.
4. What is an allergist?
An allergist is a physician specially trained to manage and treat allergies and asthma. Becoming an allergist/immunologist requires completion of at least nine years of training after completing a four year undergraduate degree: 
  • Medical school (four years)
  • Residency in internal medicine or pediatrics (three years)
  • Fellowship (specialized training) in allergy and immunology (two years)
Sudip N. Ringwala, D.O. has an internal medicine background and he has completed his fellowship in allergy and immunology in Florida.
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